“Cannabis should remain illegal because more research is needed. We are not fully aware of the consequences of cannabis legalization because there are not enough studies to solidify its therapeutic uses”. Yet the same individuals spewing this crap are the ones that stand in the way of progress. How are you going to say that more research is needed but then turn around and block cannabis research from happening? That is a major double standard! Imagine if life worked that way for everybody. Finally, after half a century, the United States federal government has grown a pair deciding to open the door for research on cannabis to more scientists.
For Decades Mississippi Was the Only Authorized Producer of Cannabis for Research in the US
Researchers in the United States who want to conduct studies on cannabis have only had one source since 1968. That source, of course, is none other than the capital of cannabis prohibition, Mississippi. Not only are the lawmakers in the state crooked, but the university also can’t grow cannabis that is anywhere near comparable to what is being sold in legal markets either. Scientists have reported getting moldy mildew, crusty dusty weed to be used for research purposes. You literally could just toss a handful of seeds in your backyard and produce better quality cannabis than the University of Mississippi can apparently grow in their Agricultural Department.
The executive director, Rick Doblin, of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies or MAPS, for short, considers this movement by the US government to be “a momentous decision,” saying that, “this is the last political obstruction of research with schedule 1 drugs.” The doorways opening to new cannabinoid research are monumental. Over the next decade, the United States could stand to see an explosion in the research of cannabinoid therapies. As the medical understanding of cannabinoid therapies and their actions become more advanced, hopefully, the United States federal government will be able to keep up and adjust laws pertaining to cannabis accordingly.
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Quality Cannabis for Research Has Always Been Lacking
President of the Scottsdale Research Institute and prominent cannabis researcher Dr. Sue Sisley was quoted telling media, “there are thousands of different cannabis varieties that all have unique chemical profiles and produce unique clinical effects, but we didn’t have access to that normal diversity.” The federal government’s lack of willingness to open the door for cannabis study has led them to be involved in several lawsuits. The federal government has something worked out with Mississippi. Mississippi recently legalized cannabis with a voter lead ballot initiative that gained 74% of votes in favor before passing. The passing didn’t last too long, though, because the Mississippi Supreme Court decided that the people didn’t know what was good for themselves and destroyed the entire framework of the state’s ballot initiative. Go figure the federal government chose Mississippi to be the only state where researchers can access medical cannabis legally. Dr. Sue Sisley described the cannabis she received from the facility from the University of Mississippi as looking like green talcum powder.
Here’s the real kicker, apparently for ten years, the federal government felt it was okay to give participants suffering from PTSD moldy weed to see if it works for them. The more you learn about cannabis legalization, the more you learn what a bunch of crooks the United States federal government is. Research being conducted now is saying the same damn thing it said in 1942. New York’s Academy of Medicine conducted the research for the 1942 LaGuardia Committee Report on marijuana and the 1972 Schaefer Commission. Both of these reports found that prohibition and reefer madness was built on a foundation of falsehoods and mistruth.
The Therapeutic Potential of Cannabis is Profound – What Many Cultivators Grow However is Not
While the federal government still holds medical cannabis or even recreational cannabis from the people clinging to years of draconian prohibition, they are allowing certain individuals to work with the DEA and FDA to study antimicrobial properties of cannabinoid therapies being applied to fighting bacteria such as MRSA. Another company that will be cultivating cannabis for research is a pharmaceutical research company. This sounds scary like it’s going to be a bunch of government officials growing weed or something, but if you check these guys out, they actually look like they know what they’re doing. Let’s hope they can grow some decent cannabis for research purposes. I mean as patients we at least deserve to have research results that are conducted with quality product and not something that my dog would grow.
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