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How Do I Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma?

Anthony Dutcher

by Anthony Dutcher

October 25, 2018 08:37 pm ET Estimated Read Time: 6 Minutes

If you live in Oklahoma, and you are reading this article, chances are that you already use cannabis, or you’re at least curious about it. The great news is now there is a way you can start buying cannabis legally in Oklahoma and have convenient access to it.

How to get an Oklahoma medical marijuana card

So, how do you get approved for medical marijuana in Oklahoma? Overall it is actually a relatively easy process. In the past, the process seemed nearly impossible, and you had to have a terminal illness or jump through hoops and go to the doctor multiple times to get certified. But recently, Oklahoma enhanced their program and has removed all of the barriers to getting a card so now it very safe and simple

The first step is to book an appointment with a doctor to get evaluated and approved for medical marijuana. The cost to be evaluated and approved by the doctor is $200. Separate from that, after being approved, you apply to the state (the fee is $100 for a card that’s good for TWO years), and your card comes in the mail in two weeks. So, in total it will cost you $300: $200 for the doctor and $100 to the state. There is a reduced fee for patients receiving Medicare or SoonerCare.

Once you have your card in hand, you can start shopping at the dispensaries. Sound simple enough? Well, it is! Let’s break down some of the steps.

How to find a medical marijuana doctor in Oklahoma

Veriheal connects you with a cannabis doctor in Oklahoma that can evaluate and approve you for medical marijuana. One of the most exciting things is that Oklahoma has an array of conditions that are approved for medical cannabis. Veriheal’s doctors are located all throughout the state of Oklahoma and they have helped patients already since the beginning of the program to get the treatment they need.

The doctor you choose on the platform is available on your time and your schedule. You create your account, choose your appointment time, and go get approved. You do not need any previous medical records as you can establish your bonafide relationship with our doctor and get approved for legal marijuana treatment.

Veriheal offers physicians a secure, HIPPA compliant, platform for managing their patients. The platform allows patients who need their cards renewed the option to see the doctor online, making the process much easier for patients who have already seen a doctor in-person. These doctors are extremely understanding so do not be afraid to let them know you have tried other medications.

What to expect during your appointment

Doctors generally approve any qualifying condition. As of the writing of this article, the state has not applied a firm list of conditions. In general, most qualifying conditions include chronic pain, cancer, HIV positive status/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, and Huntington’s disease.

Why You Should Get Your Medical Marijuana Card

Veriheal has satisfied millions of patients nationwide by giving them access to these benefits

  • Larger purchase limits
  • Peace of mind
  • Enhanced legal protection
  • Access to higher potency strains
  • Save up to 25% on cannabis purchases
  • Skip the line at the dispensary

Chronic pain is described as any severe, debilitating pain that the practitioner determines worsens health and functional capability, pain that has intolerable side-effects, that has or is expected to last three months or longer, and other types of therapy that have either failed to treat or are too harmful to apply. Chronic pain also includes wasting syndrome (cachexia), seizures and severe muscle spasms, severe nausea, ongoing headaches, stomach aches, or any pain that has been continual.

At the appointment, you simply let them know what condition you are suffering from, and the will discuss possible treatments to treat with medical cannabis. At the end of the appointment, the doctor will determine if you are approved. One of the best things about using Veriheal is that, if you are not approved, then your consultation and evaluation are free. The doctors want to help you to try medical cannabis for your treatment and ensure that it makes sense for your health.

What are the requirements for medical marijuana in Oklahoma?

You must have one of the qualifying conditions for Oklahoma’s cannabis Program. In addition to that, you will need to be 18 years of age. A patient will also need to live in the state and be able to provide proof of residency. If you meet the requirements above, you’d be approved for medical marijuana in Oklahoma.

With the passage of State Question 788, medical marijuana is now legal in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Department of Health has created a set of Emergency Provisions titled Chapter 661 to help with the smooth and safe implementation of SQ 788. Even with it being technically legal to possess medical marijuana in the State of Oklahoma, all adults ages 18 and older who would like the opportunity to begin using medical marijuana for the alleviation of doctor-prescribed ailments need to apply for a Medical Marijuana Patient License with the Oklahoma Department of Health.

Medical cannabis should hit Oklahoma shelves in November of 2018

How medical marijuana can help you

The first thing that people should do is research on how medical marijuana can help them. Veriheal has a full page of medical conditions that medical marijuana can help treat.

Certain conditions or diseases are not treated entirely by cannabis, but it can certainly help. Patients who end up trying medical marijuana have an opportunity to be some of the pioneers to help move forward to program in Oklahoma. Those who have digestive issues like IBS or Crohn’s disease can be helped immensely by the impact of the anti-inflammatory attributes of marijuana. Plenty of chronic seizure disorders can be relieved by CBD oil with some patients increase their quality of life ten fold.

Where do I get started?

The first step is to go to and book an appointment with a doctor to get your card. Once you start the process, Veriheal guides you through step-by-step to get you all taken care of.

Once you receive your card you can also use Veriheal to find some of the closest dispensaries in Oklahoma. Enjoy your medicine!


Post Your Comments

  • Margaret says:

    October 30, 2018 at 8:32 pm

    I was actually looking into this last week, and i’m glad you guys posted this. The doctors out here are kind of hard to get a hold of, and it makes sense why not the process seemed complicated! But it sounds easy now. Going to talk to my PCP and then link with you guys soon!

    • Anthony says:

      October 30, 2018 at 8:35 pm

      Awesome to hear that you’re looking into cannabis as a treatment option! Let us know if we can help in anyway with booking your appointment.

  • Sharyn says:

    March 8, 2021 at 3:43 am

    rather a high cost. you mentioned reduced cost for persons on medicare how much?


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