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How to Recover From Cannabis Edibles Fast

Chane Leigh

by Chane Leigh

September 26, 2023 12:18 pm ET Estimated Read Time: 8 Minutes
Medically reviewed by Dr. Abraham Benavides
How to Recover From Cannabis Edibles Fast

Edibles are arguably one of the best means of recreational cannabis consumption—you get to eat a treat AND experience a long-lasting high. But it’s easy to end up dealing with some unwanted side effects due to the variability in the onset of these THC-packed goodies, which come in the form of brownies, cookies, gummies, chocolate, and so much more. Aside from the fact that edibles affect everyone differently depending on certain biological factors, people often end up consuming too much because they aren’t yet feeling the delayed-onset effects or don’t know how to properly dose. While time is the only way to truly end a poor edible experience, there are a handful of simple things you can do to make yourself more comfortable and speed up the process and learn how to recover from edibles. 

  1. How To Recover From Edibles: 4 Unique Methods
  2. How to Recover the Day After Consuming Edibles
  3. How Long do Edibles Last?

How to Recover From Edibles: Four Unique Methods

Compared to vaping or smoking cannabis, edibles last longer and hit harder. If you overdo it, you risk facing the unpleasant effects of cannabis like a higher heart rate, anxiety, or nausea.

Maybe you—or a friend—overdid it with your marijuana edibles, or perhaps you simply want to make the comedown from your edible a little smoother or avoid a weed hangover. These easy-yet-effective tricks should have you feeling refreshed in no time.

Hydrate and Eat

The first way to negate the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) overconsumption via edibles is to make sure your body is hydrated and fed. Eating and drinking assist with edible recovery by giving you energy and helping to soak up and flush out the cannabinoids in your body.

Drink liquids that promote hydration, such as water, lemon water, coconut water, milk, cucumber juice, herbal teas, and aloe water/juice, as per NDTV Food’s list of the most hydrating drinks. Make sure to replenish your electrolytes if you’re drinking a ton of water. For food, try eating clean, healthier options like fruits, nuts, and carbohydrates to assist with soaking up and expelling the cannabinoids from your body. Examples include pine nuts, almonds, lemons, oranges, pasta, peppercorns, and whole wheat bread.

Work Out

The next method for recovery is exercise—but there are some things to consider before you jump straight into it. Exercise is a good means of lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and distracting yourself, and sweating may help get rid of the cannabinoids in your fat cells, but intense physical activity like running could be too much if you’re not feeling well. Don’t try to exercise if you are feeling dizzy or lightheaded, as that could be unsafe, especially for older populations.

You must listen to your body and what it can handle; this cannot be overstated. If you feel like you can handle working out, go for it. If you think it might make things worse, opt for a gentler activity like yoga or walking. Simply getting some fresh air can do wonders for bringing you down from an overwhelming edible high. No matter what, you should avoid risky activities like lifting heavy weights or using equipment.

Take a Nap

Sleeping is arguably the easiest way to deal, or not deal, with too much edible intake. Luckily, cannabis promotes sleep, so even people with super active brains should have no trouble dozing off. Taking a nap can help your body rest and recover from its intoxication and make your high feel shorter—since you’re asleep. Although you might wake up feeling a little groggy, sleep will never make your edible experience worse.

Take Detox Pills

Weed edibles are processed just like normal food, which can be flushed out with detox drinks (or, as mentioned earlier, by hydrating). Detox pills can assist with edible recovery by speeding up your metabolism so that the compounds can be expelled faster. The length of time they take to work, however, might be a reason to opt for other methods.

There are a variety of detox pills specifically designed for THC, some of which can start to work around an hour after consumption. These pills usually have a variety of herbs, vitamins, and minerals to boost your energy. Some examples of detox pills are Toxin Rid and Nutra Cleanse. Be aware that herbal remedies can also interact with medication levels and alter them, and that not all detox products are manufactured with the same quality and safety procedures.

How To Recover From Edibles The Day After Eating Consuming

Have you ever woken up after a night of edibles only to find yourself feeling…hungover? The concept of a hangover—uncomfortable symptoms caused in large part by dehydration from drinking heavily—generally applies to alcohol. Although cannabis has not been found to dehydrate people in the same way drinking alcohol does, some folks report “edible hangovers” that involve brain fog, dizziness, mental lag, fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, and dry mouth.

Professionals are still unsure of what causes these edible cannabis hangovers the next day, but most likely, the body is still processing leftover THC due to its long half-life in edible form. Those who are new to edibles, and especially those who accidentally consume more than their body can handle, have the highest risk of experiencing these day-after symptoms. The intense, long-lasting effects of THC edibles can simply be hard on your system. Not hydrating properly while you’re on edibles can also lead to a hangover; the combination of an intense high and dehydration is often enough to leave you feeling under the weather. It can also be made worse by eating too much junk food or processed foods after the munchies set in.

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Considering the lack of scientific evidence we have on edible hangovers, there’s no set time frame for how long one can last. However, you can expect it to be much shorter and less intense overall than an alcohol-induced hangover—most likely no longer than half a day. There are also some steps you can take to get rid of those pesky hangover symptoms faster:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Drink caffeinated beverages like coffee
  • Drink ginger tea
  • Eat a hearty meal
  • Take a shower
  • Take ibuprofen or cannabidiol (CBD) for headaches


How Long Do Edible Effects Last?

For most people, a cannabis edible-induced high will last anywhere from 2-10 hours, and possibly longer for new consumers. That’s a very rough estimate because edibles affect everyone differently. Unlike cannabis that is smoked or vaped, edibles are processed by the body’s digestive system, meaning that a consumer’s weight, metabolism, and recent diet factor into the effects of edibles and how quickly and intensely one feels the THC.

Have you found that you don’t get high from THC-infused edibles no matter how much you consume? You could be “ediblocked.” Learn more about this phenomenon here.

The dose of cannabis you choose, combined with your tolerance level to THC, also plays a significant role in the length of your experience. Again, this varies for each individual. High doses of THC have been known to linger for up to 24 hours, sometimes hitting in waves. This persisting lethargy could be part of what some consumers describe as an edible hangover and demonstrates the importance of “starting low and going slow” with edibles.

The unique effects offered by edibles can be great for both recreational and medical purposes, but it’s easy for the experience to turn sour. Avoid eating edibles on an empty stomach, wait at least 2-4 hours before consuming more, and keep yourself hydrated.

» Learn more: how long does a cannabis high last? 

Final Takeaway

Edibles are some of the strongest cannabis products on the market, especially for folks who don’t consume regularly, so it’s important to use caution and care for yourself when taking them. And, if you take too much it’s important to know how to recover from edibles.

If it’s your first time eating edibles, start by buying some with a low dose (5-10 milligrams of THC) from the dispensary. Hydration, food, exercise, and sleep are simple ways to help your body recover from too much THC. You can also try detox pills, but keep in mind that their efficacy is still up in the air.

» Learn more about ending an uncomfortable high:  How to Stop Being High Fast: 12 Ways to Counteract THC Effects.

If you’re interested in working edibles into your medical treatment plan or simply learning more about responsible edible cannabis use, get real medical advice from a medical cannabis doctor or cannabis coach today.

This post was first published in August 2022. Information was most recently updated in September 2023. 

Post Your Comments

  • Maurice Nurse says:

    August 16, 2022 at 2:40 pm

    I need something to help with pain

  • Tom says:

    August 16, 2022 at 9:55 pm

    Welcome indeed. Thanks

  • Alou Junior says:

    August 17, 2022 at 8:35 am

    I take 20-25 mg of THC gummies, then an hour later I have 2 beers and something to eat, then an hour or two after that I don’t feel the THC at all.

  • Dave says:

    August 17, 2022 at 9:18 am

    This is why I smoke flower (no vaping, tinctures, edibles….) I like to control the amount I consume.
    I buy the highest THC content available (generally about 30%) and use a “one hit pipe”.
    Usually one hit is all I need; therefore, the wear and tear on my lungs is minimal

  • Frank altomari says:

    August 17, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    I don’t Understand why you listed the 4 best ways to deal with edibles but neglected to tell the best way!?
    Do I have to tell You that cbd’s are the Antidote and All Hospitals should be “In on this Knowledge”!
    fb= 420 Healthy Way — Utilize Potman — potman.US

    • Chane Leigh says:

      August 19, 2022 at 6:20 am

      Hi Frank,
      We did not neglect that aspect. If you have a look at the “steps you can take to get rid of those pesky hangover symptoms faster”, you will see that CBD has been listed as one of the steps, with a link to an in-depth article on the compound. I hope this helps.

  • Bob Levandowski says:

    March 11, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    I am using cannabis indica gummies for sleep. 5 MG. cut in half. I take half an hour or so before bedtime and the other half at bedtime. What are your thoughts?

  • Trayana says:

    March 21, 2023 at 4:05 pm

    Love ❤️


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