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Meet Cookies: Florida’s Premier Medical Cannabis Dispensary

Kymberly Drapcho

by Kymberly Drapcho

September 18, 2024 02:48 pm ET Estimated Read Time: 6 Minutes

For Florida residents, access to cannabis hasn’t always been easy. Since legalizing medical cannabis in 2016, the state’s medical cannabis program has expanded to give patients more freedom as to how they choose to consume their cannabis. That’s where dispensaries like Cookies come in. Cookies is an iconic cannabis brand with more than 11 locations across Florida. Founded by Bay Area rapper Berner in 2012 and renowned for its unique cannabis strains, the brand has grown exponentially, servicing medical cannabis patients and cannabis enthusiasts alike nationwide. 

Moreover, the team behind Cookies’ Florida locations is on a mission to make sure the state’s medical cannabis patients are taken care of. This mission begins with a stellar staff who recognizes the importance of quality products, easy access, and affordable prices for medical cannabis. 

Sam Flood is the General Manager for Cookies on Fletcher Ave in Tampa. From his years of experience in the cannabis industry, Flood is highly familiar with what sets Cookies apart for cannabis patients across the country. 

“From how much Cookies cares about its team and its product, the fact that we’re a more holistic approach to cannabis, our top-shelf genetics, everything being grown here in Florida, we have a great job of bringing in people and offering amazing deals and promos,” said Flood. 

This experience guides more than just his pride in working for Cookies: it also informs how he interacts with Cookies’ customers on a daily basis, as he’s seen the impact medical cannabis can have on the individuals who use it – himself included. 

“I’ve had a number of patients who’ve had cancer in the past, and – a little-known fact about myself – I’ve been in remission now for about ten years,” said Flood. It’s awesome to see it firsthand, both in myself and as well as patients coming in and going through different chemos and recovery processes and getting their hands on a Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) that’s really the most beneficial product that they could have and elongated that life, living a little bit more, and enjoying the last time that they maybe have here is going to be one of the most beneficial aspects of it.” 

Cookies FL product selection including medical cannabis flower

And while Flood may be leading the Cookies team on Fletcher, he’s not alone. His store is staffed with like-minded individuals who come to work each day motivated to help others get the medicine they need. 

Stella, the Hospitality Manager at Cookies on Fletcher, partners with companies and doctors throughout the community to ensure their customers have the most seamless experience. Like Flood, Stella’s motivation comes from her personal experience with medical cannabis. 

Stella got her medical marijuana card in Florida in 2018, primarily for insomnia, depression, and anxiety.  Through exploring different products, Stella was able to both alleviate symptoms and increase her quality of life through medical cannabis use. 

Now, she uses this experience to fuel her passion for helping others find that same relief. 

“When I started seeing the benefits of cannabis in my own life, I wanted to help get that into other people’s lives. I wanted to help people feel better,” said Stella. “I’ve seen cancer patients come in, pediatric patients all the way up to our elderly. They’ve seen an increase in their quality of life. They’re moving without pain. They’re able to go about their life as normal as possible, and that’s really the goal.”

And while the stigma against cannabis use is still highly prevalent in many parts of Florida and the larger United States, Stella has noticed a difference in her local community resulting from easier and more dignified access to medical cannabis. 

“I’ve seen the biggest difference in my local community from it being legal medicinally in Florida. Having the program be legal and accessible for so many individuals; it’s been a game changer,” Stella noted. “There is no better feeling than being able to walk into a dispensary knowing that the medicine you’re buying is safe, legal, and accessible to all. We run discount programs that make it accessible for our low-income individuals to our veterans and our elderly patients.”

With recreational cannabis still illegal in Florida, residents must have their Florida medical marijuana card before they step foot into Cookies. 

Enter Veriheal. Veriheal is partnered with Cookies locations nationwide to facilitate a streamlined process from finding a cannabis doctor to visiting the dispensary. Together, Veriheal and Cookies do their part to ensure that patients are cared for throughout the entire process, leaving Veriheal’s offices with clarity rather than confusion. 

customer purchasing medical cannabis from Cookies FL

“Veriheal takes a lot of the work out of it by showing up and explaining all the steps to the process for the patients so they have the clearest understanding of their allotments, their recommendations, how often they can purchase, what they can purchase – and streamlining that process to make it as easy and efficient as it could possibly be for the patients,” said Flood.  

Celeste Mittman, Head of Partnerships at Veriheal, spoke of the importance of like-minded companies working together toward a similar mission: helping medical cannabis patients access their medicine in a straightforward and dignified way. 

“It is our duty as a medical card service to help connect the patients that we’re actively certifying with the best dispensaries and brands in their area,” Mittman shared. “Cookies is a name that stands alone. If you’re in cannabis, you understand what Cookies is. To have our name even slightly associated with a brand that is so massive is an honor. They are dedicated to quality flower, providing cannabis with the best possible medicine that’s going to make them feel great.” 

All in all, Cookies has established itself as a cornerstone in Florida’s medical cannabis landscape, offering patients access to high-quality products and compassionate care. With dedicated team members like Sam Flood and Stella, who bring personal passion and professional expertise to the table, the brand exemplifies how medical cannabis can truly enhance lives. Through partnerships with organizations like Veriheal, Cookies continues to streamline access and offer patients a safe, supportive, and affordable path to relief. As the cannabis landscape evolves, Cookies remains committed to its mission of providing patients with the best possible care and medicine.

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